About Us

The world’s largest commercial database provider

Our Company Mission

Our mission is to provide the world’s largest commercial database along with value-added service to our clients’ around the world.
In pursuit of brilliance and outstanding quality, we would customize our solutions to possess the sophisticated traits to fulfill your objectives and your business growth.

Our Vision

Appreciation the spectacle of a Bird of Paradise as if it were a soaring phoenix, we are determined to become the world’s largest commercial database provider.
As an insightful pioneer like the Bird of Paradise, we take advantage of today’s opportunities while building our foundations for tomorrow.

"How fast, innovative and excellent your business will be once every single member of the company from the doorkeeper to the executive will begin to see themselves as the CEO of their own area of responsibility."

– CEO, WholeDatabase

WHo We Are

Our Team

Anurag Barigai

Anurag Barigai

Operations Head

Archita Thakur

Archita Thakur

Business Analyst

Din Bagchi

Din Bagchi

Network Team Lead

Minakshi Sharma

Minakshi Sharma

HR Head

Sumit Kusari

Sumit Kusari

Developer Team Head



Sales Manager

Richa Saxena

Richa Saxena

Project Manager

Rohit Gupta

Rohit Gupta

Head of Technical Support

Zohana Holkar

Zohana Holkar

Quality Assurance Manager



Technical consultant

What you are waiting for?

Get started with WholeDatabase

Instantly access over millions of data records...!!

Instantly access over 250 million globally compliant data records to download and use for your sales and marketing campaigns
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